The Prayer Group
The prayer group all have a time of prayer at their own homes between 10 and 11am on a Fri morning. Each week there is a slightly different set of prayers.
Prayers for week
Almighty God
We thank you for being our loving Father, constantly beside us, through the ups and downs of life. We thank you all the gifts and benefits we have through living in this blessed part of the World.
We pray that those with troubled hearts, who find life a burden, rather than a joy. May they learn to come to You and learn of the comfort found in feeling your loving presence. Those recently bereaved or those having to face up to serious illness, either for themselves or those they love, and those worried by the state of the World, either politically or because of climate change.
We pray also for all those affected by War; the refugees, the hungry, those who fear for their lives. Those persecuted for religious or political reasons. Those who suffer abuse either through conflict or in their own homes.
Also we pray for those fearful and upset by the modern plague of abuse and persecution through the media. Those young people whose lives are dominated by their phones and the tyranny of fashion. How they look and behave. May they regain a perspective on what really matters in life, which may be found through the teachings of your beloved Son. Our Saviour Jesus Christ.
All this we pray for in his name.
Please feel free to get in touch with requests or with personal private prayers.
If you wish to join with us at home please contact Gill Reid
The Prayer Group wish to let you know that we are very much in operation still and are remembering all those prayers currently on the tree.
The group actively working together in Prayer but should anyone wish to join us please give Gill Reid a call on 07732 978653.
Personal requests can be made to the above number by phoning or sending a text message or by email to In all cases strict confidentiality will be maintained.
We are thinking of you all and holding our Church and our community in prayer.